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Welcome to the 21 Israeli Contact Improvisation Convention !
We are Happy and excited that you have chosen to take part in the festival, and we invite you to create together an open space for learning, growth, meetings and especially lots and lots of dancing together.
Before we begin, A few important things about the festival:
This year we hold the greenhouse in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Upper Galilee.
We Sleep and eat in the Hula Valley school, and we dance at the halls of the Clore Center and gymnasium of Upper Galilee.
The complex is located on the banks of the Jordan River, dipped in the green surroundings of the Galilee and invites hiking and water immersion (for the brave...)
Registration & Day of arrival:
Please come and say hello at the registration desk right as you arrive. Make sure you have completed your payment, you will receive a bracelet, please make sure you are signed to the intensive that you have chosen. We want to avoid movement between Intensives (for questions, please contact Sharon Gal / Liat Barkan by answering to this mail).
Notice you will not be allowed into the Festival events (Jam, Classes, etc.) without wearing your bracelet!
Plan for the first day:
12:00 - Opening doors and registration. arrangement in classrooms (sleeping rooms)
13:30 – 15:00 Open studio for warming up and Soft Landing Class!
15:30 – 16:00 Opening talk in the intensive group (for those without meet in dining hall)
16:00-19:00 -First intensive meeting
17:00 – Opening talk in the dining hall for those who do not participate in the intensive
19:30-20:30 - Dinner.
21:30 - Opening circle at the gym hall.
Notice: The festival venue is open for entrance starting from 12:00
it's advisable to have a bite before arrival. (There will be no lunch on this day.)
Meals and kitchen
The kitchen is vegetarian, conducted by our beloved house chef Ornit.
Please note a few things:
1. We want to raise awareness of food waste, we try to be ecological and recycle, we have designated compost bins, and we ask you to be aware of the amount of food you take.
2. There will be a table with food for Children - please do not eat the kids’ food
3. Food sensitivities – we will prepare food for people with gluten sensitivity and for vegans. Please do not eat what is prepared for specific people.
4. Please come in the first hour of the meal so you can enjoy a full meal. After an hour from the beginning of the meal, we cannot ensure everyone's food.
6. We'll be many people at the dining room at the same time, if you finished eating Notice if there are people looking for a place to sit and help them.
7. at the end of the meal do not forget to wash your dishes, and we encourage you to help collect and wash the dishes that were left behind
8. The kitchen staff cooks our meals with love, we seek to enable them to do their work without interference; please do not enter the kitchen, also when the staff is not present.
Make sure you have taken only one mattress to sleep on, so there are mattresses for everyone.
The Classrooms where we will sleep are cozy and air-conditioned (heated), however if it is raining Please Keep your equipment away from the windows.
* If there is a problem in the classroom where you sleep, please contact Yoseph (our wonderful on site producer).
Fire and candles are not allowed under no circumstances in the classes and in all school area.
Personal belongings:
The venue is an open area and we cannot prevent people from entering, although non-festival people should not be around during this time, and there should not be a problem leaving your belongings in the classrooms.
If you have valuables that you wish to have locked during the greenhouse, please give them to one of the staff members at the beginning of the event, and you will get it back at the end.
Our way of ensuring that only greenhouse participants are in the area is by making sure we all wear our bracelets. Please be aware if you see someone without a bracelet.
Let's make a collective effort to keep food and drinks out of the gym hall to ensure a safe and clean floor.
Gym hall:
Please take care of the gym-hall floor. Food and drink (including water!) is not permitted in the gym hall.
We ask to give special care to the time we share together jamming.
Jams are our main meeting and contact-improvisation practice space. A space where we share our wishes and needs with those of the others. Please help us create and keep a pleasant and respectful space!
Take care of the mirrors and curtains in the studios
Music in the jams is in responsibility of the jam-musicians. If you wish to play in the jam – please coordinate with them.
Please read the “invitation for awareness in the jam” paper that we had prepared (you will find it in the jam space)
The greenhouse venue has 2 shower areas:
Gym-hall –
Women only / Men only / Mixed (4 showers in each)
Women and Mixed showers – open every day 7:30 – 22:00 (or until end of jam when the jam is in the gym-hall) * Except between 12:30-13:30
Entrance to the showers from around the gym-hall (on the other side from the main entrance)
Clore studios –
Women Only (3 showers) / Men only (2 showers)
Open during all our activity hours there.
On evenings when we jam at the gym-hall, the studios close at 20:30.
Please respect the fact that we are many people and we all want to be clean… (and have warm water)
The spa is located in the hotel of the Kibbutz (short walking distance)
If you wish to enter the spa you need to register in advance (there is limited number of places in each “round”).
Phone for registration and more info on the bulletin board.
Entrance fee is 50 ILS (2 hours)
Bulletin Board:
The greenhouse bulletin board is located in the dining room. There you will find the schedule, teacher and class info, as well as all other important festival information. Welcome to be updated!
For any questions, you are welcome to approach any of the “AMUTA” (association) members.
If you do not wish to be photographed during the festival, or do not agree to have your pictures used by us on the internet, please approach the photographers (they will be presented in the opening circle).
The school-space, classrooms, studios and gym-hall are our home for the days of the greenhouse.
Let’s keep it together – clean and pleasant!
Notice to clean your shoes from mud when you enter the buildings, and that you take off your shoes before entering the studios.
Most of all – take good care of yourselves! Be responsible and aware to your conditions and needs.
Remember to keep your physical and emotional boundaries, allow yourselves to say “no” when something in the dance is not right for you, allow yourselves to take a rest when you need, and find the time to support yourself to stay healthy, safe and open.
We hope this festival will give you a unique experience and room to grow:)
Thanks for your presence and participation
We wish you an exciting journey!
The festival team
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