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Welcome to the Page of ICIL
Israeli Contact Improvisation Leaders
The Association of ICIL (Israeli Contact Improvisation Leaders) began as a way to involve the Israeli CI community in the organizing and maintaining of the yearly international festival. Over the past years the association has broadened it's activities in exciting projects involving community, performance, teaching initiatives; as well as creating other platforms for Contact dance in Israel.
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The Intentions and Work Of The Association
*Advancing and Developing Contact Improvisation in Israel
*Creating platforms and outlets to showcase the quality, diversity, and depth of the vast Contact community operating in Israel
*Improving the acceptance and acknowledgement of Contact Improvisation through various settings, such as Academic Dance institutions, the general public, and the dance community at large.
*Using the approaches and tools forwarded by the practice of CI in order to develop and support communities and spaces interested in the practice and communication of Contact Improvisation and somatic practices.
*Supporting members of the association and strengthening artistic and professional collaborations
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